ovs-vsctl(8)                  Open vSwitch Manual                 ovs-vsctl(8)

       ovs-vsctl - utility for querying and configuring ovs-vswitchd

       ovs-vsctl  [options]  -- [options] command [args] [-- [options] command

       The  ovs-vsctl  program  configures  ovs-vswitchd(8)  by  providing   a
       high-level    interface    to    its   configuration   database.    See
       ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(5) for comprehensive documentation of the database

       ovs-vsctl connects to an ovsdb-server process that  maintains  an  Open
       vSwitch  configuration database.  Using this connection, it queries and
       possibly applies changes to the database,  depending  on  the  supplied
       commands.   Then,  if it applied any changes, by default it waits until
       ovs-vswitchd has finished reconfiguring itself before  it  exits.   (If
       you use ovs-vsctl when ovs-vswitchd is not running, use --no-wait.)

       ovs-vsctl  can  perform  any number of commands in a single run, imple‐
       mented as a single atomic transaction against the database.

       The ovs-vsctl command line begins with global options (see OPTIONS  be‐
       low  for details).  The global options are followed by one or more com‐
       mands.  Each command should begin with -- by itself as  a  command-line
       argument,  to  separate it from the following commands.  (The -- before
       the first command is optional.)  The command itself  starts  with  com‐
       mand-specific options, if any, followed by the command name and any ar‐
       guments.  See EXAMPLES below for syntax examples.

   Linux VLAN Bridging Compatibility
       The  ovs-vsctl  program  supports  the model of a bridge implemented by
       Open vSwitch, in which a  single  bridge  supports  ports  on  multiple
       VLANs.   In  this  model,  each port on a bridge is either a trunk port
       that potentially passes packets tagged with 802.1Q headers that  desig‐
       nate  VLANs  or  it  is  assigned  a single implicit VLAN that is never
       tagged with an 802.1Q header.

       For  compatibility  with  software  designed  for  the  Linux   bridge,
       ovs-vsctl  also  supports  a  model  in which traffic associated with a
       given 802.1Q VLAN is segregated into a separate bridge.  A special form
       of the add-br command (see below) creates a ``fake bridge''  within  an
       Open  vSwitch  bridge  to  simulate  this behavior.  When such a ``fake
       bridge'' is active, ovs-vsctl will treat it much like a bridge separate
       from its ``parent bridge,''  but  the  actual  implementation  in  Open
       vSwitch  uses  only  a single bridge, with ports on the fake bridge as‐
       signed the implicit VLAN of the fake bridge of which they are  members.
       (A fake bridge for VLAN 0 receives packets that have no 802.1Q tag or a
       tag with VLAN 0.)

       The  following  options affect the behavior ovs-vsctl as a whole.  Some
       individual commands also accept their own options, which are given just
       before the command name.  If the first command on the command line  has
       options,  then  those options must be separated from the global options
       by --.

              Sets server as the database server that  ovs-vsctl  contacts  to
              query or modify configuration.  server may be an OVSDB active or
              passive  connection  method,  as described in ovsdb(7).  The de‐
              fault is unix:/usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock.

              Prevents ovs-vsctl from waiting for ovs-vswitchd to  reconfigure
              itself  according  to the modified database.  This option should
              be used if ovs-vswitchd is  not  running;  otherwise,  ovs-vsctl
              will not exit until ovs-vswitchd starts.

              This  option  has  no  effect  if  the commands specified do not
              change the database.

              By default, ovs-vsctl logs its arguments and the details of  any
              changes  that  it makes to the system log.  This option disables
              this logging.

              This option is equivalent to --verbose=vsctl:syslog:warn.

              Modifies the output format so that the output for  each  command
              is  printed  on  a  single line.  New-line characters that would
              otherwise separate lines are printed as \n, and any instances of
              \ that would otherwise appear in the output are doubled.  Prints
              a blank line for each command that has no output.   This  option
              does  not  affect the formatting of output from the list or find
              commands; see Table Formatting Options below.

              Prevents ovs-vsctl from actually modifying the database.

       -t secs
              By default, or with a secs of 0, ovs-vsctl waits forever  for  a
              response  from  the database.  This option limits runtime to ap‐
              proximately secs seconds.  If  the  timeout  expires,  ovs-vsctl
              will exit with a SIGALRM signal.  (A timeout would normally hap‐
              pen  only  if the database cannot be contacted, or if the system
              is overloaded.)

              Without this option, if ovs-vsctl connects outward to the  data‐
              base  server  (the  default)  then ovs-vsctl will try to connect
              once and exit with an error if the connection fails (which  usu‐
              ally means that ovsdb-server is not running).

              With  this  option,  or  if --db specifies that ovs-vsctl should
              listen for an incoming connection from the database server, then
              ovs-vsctl will wait for a connection to the database forever.

              Regardless of this setting, --timeout  always  limits  how  long
              ovs-vsctl will wait.

   Table Formatting Options
       These  options control the format of output from the list and find com‐

       -f format
              Sets the type of table formatting.  The following types of  for‐
              mat are available:

              table  2-D text tables with aligned columns.

              list (default)
                     A  list  with one column per line and rows separated by a
                     blank line.

              html   HTML tables.

              csv    Comma-separated values as defined in RFC 4180.

              json   JSON format as defined in RFC 4627.  The output is a  se‐
                     quence  of JSON objects, each of which corresponds to one
                     table.  Each JSON object has the following  members  with
                     the noted values:

                            The  table's  caption.   This member is omitted if
                            the table has no caption.

                            An array with one element per table column.   Each
                            array element is a string giving the corresponding
                            column's heading.

                     data   An array with one element per table row.  Each el‐
                            ement  is also an array with one element per table
                            column.  The elements of this  second-level  array
                            are  the  cells  that constitute the table.  Cells
                            that represent OVSDB data or data  types  are  ex‐
                            pressed in the format described in the OVSDB spec‐
                            ification;  other  cells  are  simply expressed as
                            text strings.

       -d format
              Sets the formatting for cells within output  tables  unless  the
              table  format  is  set to json, in which case json formatting is
              always used when formatting cells.  The following types of  for‐
              mat are available:

              string (default)
                     The  simple  format described in the Database Values sec‐
                     tion below.

              bare   The simple format with punctuation stripped off:  []  and
                     {}  are  omitted  around  sets,  maps, and empty columns,
                     items within  sets  and  maps  are  space-separated,  and
                     strings  are never quoted.  This format may be easier for
                     scripts to parse.

              json   The RFC 4627 JSON format as described above.

              This option suppresses the heading row that otherwise appears in
              the first row of table output.

              By default, JSON in output is printed as compactly as  possible.
              This  option causes JSON in output to be printed in a more read‐
              able fashion.  Members of objects and  elements  of  arrays  are
              printed one per line, with indentation.

              This  option  does  not  affect  JSON in tables, which is always
              printed compactly.

       --bare Equivalent to --format=list --data=bare --no-headings.

              For table output only, limits the width of  any  column  in  the
              output  to  n columns.  Longer cell data is truncated to fit, as
              necessary.  Columns are always wide enough to display the column
              names, if the heading row is printed.

   Public Key Infrastructure Options
       -p privkey.pem
              Specifies  a  PEM  file  containing  the  private  key  used  as
              ovs-vsctl's identity for outgoing SSL connections.

       -c cert.pem
              Specifies a PEM file containing a certificate that certifies the
              private  key specified on -p or --private-key to be trustworthy.
              The certificate must be signed by the certificate authority (CA)
              that the peer in SSL connections will use to verify it.

       -C cacert.pem
              Specifies  a  PEM  file  containing  the  CA  certificate   that
              ovs-vsctl  should  use to verify certificates presented to it by
              SSL peers.  (This may be the same certificate that SSL peers use
              to verify the certificate specified on -c or  --certificate,  or
              it may be a different one, depending on the PKI design in use.)

       -C none
              Disables  verification  of  certificates presented by SSL peers.
              This introduces a security risk, because it means that  certifi‐
              cates cannot be verified to be those of known trusted hosts.

              When cacert.pem exists, this option has the same effect as -C or
              --ca-cert.  If it does not exist, then ovs-vsctl will attempt to
              obtain  the  CA  certificate  from the SSL peer on its first SSL
              connection and save it to the named PEM file.  If it is success‐
              ful, it will immediately drop the connection and reconnect,  and
              from then on all SSL connections must be authenticated by a cer‐
              tificate signed by the CA certificate thus obtained.

              This  option  exposes  the SSL connection to a man-in-the-middle
              attack obtaining the initial CA certificate, but it may be  use‐
              ful for bootstrapping.

              This option is only useful if the SSL peer sends its CA certifi‐
              cate  as  part  of  the SSL certificate chain.  The SSL protocol
              does not require the server to send the CA certificate.

              This option is mutually exclusive with -C and --ca-cert.

              Specifies a PEM file that contains one or more  additional  cer‐
              tificates  to  send to SSL peers.  peer-cacert.pem should be the
              CA certificate used to sign ovs-vsctl's  own  certificate,  that
              is,  the  certificate  specified  on  -c  or  --certificate.  If
              ovs-vsctl's certificate is self-signed, then  --certificate  and
              --peer-ca-cert should specify the same file.

              This  option  is not useful in normal operation, because the SSL
              peer must already have the CA certificate for the peer  to  have
              any  confidence in ovs-vsctl's identity.  However, this offers a
              way for a new installation to bootstrap the  CA  certificate  on
              its first SSL connection.

              Sets  logging  levels.  Without any spec, sets the log level for
              every module and destination to dbg.  Otherwise, spec is a  list
              of words separated by spaces or commas or colons, up to one from
              each category below:

              •      A  valid  module name, as displayed by the vlog/list com‐
                     mand on ovs-appctl(8), limits the log level change to the
                     specified module.

              •      syslog, console, or file, to limit the log  level  change
                     to  only to the system log, to the console, or to a file,
                     respectively.   (If  --detach  is  specified,   ovs-vsctl
                     closes  its  standard file descriptors, so logging to the
                     console will have no effect.)

                     On Windows platform, syslog is accepted as a word and  is
                     only  useful  along  with the --syslog-target option (the
                     word has no effect otherwise).

              •      off, emer, err, warn, info, or dbg, to  control  the  log
                     level.   Messages of the given severity or higher will be
                     logged, and messages of lower severity will  be  filtered
                     out.   off  filters  out all messages.  See ovs-appctl(8)
                     for a definition of each log level.

              Case is not significant within spec.

              Regardless of the log levels set for file,  logging  to  a  file
              will not take place unless --log-file is also specified (see be‐

              For compatibility with older versions of OVS, any is accepted as
              a word but has no effect.

              Sets  the  maximum logging verbosity level, equivalent to --ver‐

              Sets the log pattern  for  destination  to  pattern.   Refer  to
              ovs-appctl(8) for a description of the valid syntax for pattern.

              Sets  the  RFC5424  facility of the log message. facility can be
              one of kern, user, mail, daemon, auth, syslog, lpr, news,  uucp,
              clock,  ftp,  ntp, audit, alert, clock2, local0, local1, local2,
              local3, local4, local5, local6 or local7. If this option is  not
              specified,  daemon  is  used as the default for the local system
              syslog and local0 is used while sending a message to the  target
              provided via the --syslog-target option.

              Enables  logging  to  a  file.  If file is specified, then it is
              used as the exact name for the log file.  The default  log  file
              name   used  if  file  is  omitted  is  /usr/local/var/log/open‐

              Send syslog messages to UDP port on host,  in  addition  to  the
              system  syslog.   The host must be a numerical IP address, not a

              Specify method how syslog messages should be sent to syslog dae‐
              mon.  Following forms are supported:

              •      libc, use libc syslog() function.  Downside of using this
                     options is that libc adds fixed prefix to  every  message
                     before  it  is  actually  sent  to the syslog daemon over
                     /dev/log UNIX domain socket.

              •      unix:file, use UNIX domain socket directly.  It is possi‐
                     ble to specify arbitrary message format with this option.
                     However, rsyslogd 8.9 and older versions use  hard  coded
                     parser  function  anyway  that  limits UNIX domain socket
                     use.  If you want to use arbitrary  message  format  with
                     older rsyslogd versions, then use UDP socket to localhost
                     IP address instead.

              •      udp:ip:port, use UDP socket.  With this method it is pos‐
                     sible  to  use  arbitrary  message format also with older
                     rsyslogd.  When sending syslog messages over  UDP  socket
                     extra  precaution needs to be taken into account, for ex‐
                     ample, syslog daemon needs to be configured to listen  on
                     the  specified  UDP port, accidental iptables rules could
                     be interfering with local syslog traffic  and  there  are
                     some  security  considerations that apply to UDP sockets,
                     but do not apply to UNIX domain sockets.

              •      null, discards all messages logged to syslog.

              The default is  taken  from  the  OVS_SYSLOG_METHOD  environment
              variable; if it is unset, the default is libc.

       --help Prints a brief help message to the console.

              Prints version information to the console.

       The commands implemented by ovs-vsctl are described in the sections be‐

   Open vSwitch Commands
       These commands work with an Open vSwitch as a whole.

       init   Initializes  the  Open vSwitch database, if it is empty.  If the
              database has already been initialized, this command has  no  ef‐

              Any  successful  ovs-vsctl command automatically initializes the
              Open vSwitch database if it is empty.  This command is  provided
              to initialize the database without executing any other command.

       show   Prints a brief overview of the database contents.

              Reset  the  configuration  into  a clean state.  It deconfigures
              OpenFlow controllers, OVSDB servers, and SSL, and  deletes  port
              mirroring,  fail_mode,  NetFlow, sFlow, and IPFIX configuration.
              This command also removes all other-config keys from  all  data‐
              base records, except that other-config:hwaddr is preserved if it
              is  present  in a Bridge record.  Other networking configuration
              is left as-is.

   Bridge Commands
       These commands examine and manipulate Open vSwitch bridges.

       [--may-exist] add-br bridge
              Creates a new bridge named bridge.  Initially  the  bridge  will
              have no ports (other than bridge itself).

              Without  --may-exist,  attempting to create a bridge that exists
              is an error.  With --may-exist, this  command  does  nothing  if
              bridge already exists as a real bridge.

       [--may-exist] add-br bridge parent vlan
              Creates  a ``fake bridge'' named bridge within the existing Open
              vSwitch bridge parent, which must already exist and must not it‐
              self be a fake bridge.  The new fake bridge will  be  on  802.1Q
              VLAN  vlan,  which  must  be an integer between 0 and 4095.  The
              parent bridge must not already have  a  fake  bridge  for  vlan.
              Initially bridge will have no ports (other than bridge itself).

              Without  --may-exist,  attempting to create a bridge that exists
              is an error.  With --may-exist, this  command  does  nothing  if
              bridge already exists as a VLAN bridge under parent for vlan.

       [--if-exists] del-br bridge
              Deletes  bridge  and  all  of  its  ports.   If bridge is a real
              bridge, this command also deletes any  fake  bridges  that  were
              created with bridge as parent, including all of their ports.

              Without --if-exists, attempting to delete a bridge that does not
              exist  is  an  error.   With --if-exists, attempting to delete a
              bridge that does not exist has no effect.

       [--real|--fake] list-br
              Lists all existing real and fake bridges on standard output, one
              per line.  With --real or --fake, only bridges of that type  are

       br-exists bridge
              Tests  whether  bridge  exists as a real or fake bridge.  If so,
              ovs-vsctl  exits  successfully  with  exit  code  0.   If   not,
              ovs-vsctl exits unsuccessfully with exit code 2.

       br-to-vlan bridge
              If bridge is a fake bridge, prints the bridge's 802.1Q VLAN as a
              decimal integer.  If bridge is a real bridge, prints 0.

       br-to-parent bridge
              If  bridge  is  a  fake  bridge,  prints  the name of its parent
              bridge.  If bridge is a real bridge, print bridge.

       br-set-external-id bridge key [value]
              Sets or clears an ``external ID'' value on bridge.  These values
              are intended to identify entities external to Open vSwitch  with
              which  bridge  is  associated, e.g. the bridge's identifier in a
              virtualization management platform.  The Open  vSwitch  database
              schema  specifies  well-known  key values, but key and value are
              otherwise arbitrary strings.

              If value is specified, then key is  set  to  value  for  bridge,
              overwriting  any  previous value.  If value is omitted, then key
              is removed  from  bridge's  set  of  external  IDs  (if  it  was

              For  real bridges, the effect of this command is similar to that
              of a set or remove command in the  external-ids  column  of  the
              Bridge  table.  For fake bridges, it actually modifies keys with
              names prefixed by fake-bridge- in the Port table.

       br-get-external-id bridge [key]
              Queries the external IDs on bridge.  If key  is  specified,  the
              output  is  the value for that key or the empty string if key is
              unset.  If key is omitted, the  output  is  key=value,  one  per
              line, for each key-value pair.

              For  real bridges, the effect of this command is similar to that
              of a get command in the external-ids column of the Bridge table.
              For fake  bridges,  it  queries  keys  with  names  prefixed  by
              fake-bridge- in the Port table.

   Port Commands
       These  commands  examine and manipulate Open vSwitch ports.  These com‐
       mands treat a bonded port as a single entity.

       list-ports bridge
              Lists all of the ports within bridge on standard output, one per
              line.  The local port bridge is not included in the list.

       [--may-exist] add-port bridge port [column[:key]=value]...
              Creates on bridge a new port named port from the network  device
              of the same name.

              Optional  arguments set values of column in the Port record cre‐
              ated by the command.  For example, tag=9 would make the port  an
              access  port for VLAN 9.  The syntax is the same as that for the
              set command (see Database Commands below).

              Without --may-exist, attempting to create a port that exists  is
              an  error.   With --may-exist, this command does nothing if port
              already exists on bridge and is not a bonded port.

       [--if-exists] del-port [bridge] port
              Deletes port.  If bridge is omitted, port is removed from  what‐
              ever  bridge contains it; if bridge is specified, it must be the
              real or fake bridge that contains port.

              Without --if-exists, attempting to delete a port that  does  not
              exist  is  an  error.   With --if-exists, attempting to delete a
              port that does not exist has no effect.

       [--if-exists] --with-iface del-port [bridge] iface
              Deletes the port named iface or  that  has  an  interface  named
              iface.   If bridge is omitted, the port is removed from whatever
              bridge contains it; if bridge is specified, it must be the  real
              or fake bridge that contains the port.

              Without --if-exists, attempting to delete the port for an inter‐
              face  that  does  not  exist is an error.  With --if-exists, at‐
              tempting to delete the port for an interface that does not exist
              has no effect.

       port-to-br port
              Prints the name of the bridge that  contains  port  on  standard

   Bond Commands
       These commands work with ports that have more than one interface, which
       Open vSwitch calls ``bonds.''

       [--fake-iface] add-bond bridge port iface... [column[:key]=value]...
              Creates  on bridge a new port named port that bonds together the
              network devices given as each iface.  At  least  two  interfaces
              must  be  named.   If  the  interfaces are DPDK enabled then the
              transaction will need to include operations  to  explicitly  set
              the interface type to 'dpdk'.

              Optional  arguments set values of column in the Port record cre‐
              ated by the command.  The syntax is the same as that for the set
              command (see Database Commands below).

              With --fake-iface, a fake interface with the name port  is  cre‐
              ated.   This  should  only be used for compatibility with legacy
              software that requires it.

              Without --may-exist, attempting to create a port that exists  is
              an  error.   With --may-exist, this command does nothing if port
              already exists on bridge and bonds together exactly  the  speci‐
              fied interfaces.

       [--may-exist] add-bond-iface bond iface
              Adds  iface  as  a new bond interface to the existing port bond.
              If bond previously had only one port, this transforms it into  a

              Without  --may-exist, attempting to add an iface that is already
              part of bond is an error.  With --may-exist, this  command  does
              nothing if iface is already part of bond.  (It is still an error
              if iface is an interface of some other port or bond.)

       [--if-exists] del-bond-iface [bond] iface
              Removes  iface  from its port.  If bond is omitted, iface is re‐
              moved from whatever port contains it; if bond is  specified,  it
              must be the port that contains bond.

              If  removing  iface causes its port to have only a single inter‐
              face, then that port transforms from a  bond  into  an  ordinary
              port.   It  is  an  error  if iface is the only interface in its

              Without --if-exists, attempting to delete an interface that does
              not exist is an error.  With --if-exists, attempting  to  delete
              an interface that does not exist has no effect.

   Interface Commands
       These  commands  examine  the  interfaces  attached  to an Open vSwitch
       bridge.  These commands treat a bonded port as a collection of  two  or
       more interfaces, rather than as a single port.

       list-ifaces bridge
              Lists  all  of  the interfaces within bridge on standard output,
              one per line.  The local port bridge  is  not  included  in  the

       iface-to-br iface
              Prints  the  name  of the bridge that contains iface on standard

   Conntrack Zone Commands
       These commands query and modify datapath CT zones, Timeout Policies and

       [--may-exist] add-zone-tp datapath zone=zone_id policies
              Creates a conntrack zone timeout policy with  zone_id  in  data‐
              path.   The  policies  consist  of key=value pairs, separated by
              spaces.  For example, icmp_first=30  icmp_reply=60  specifies  a
              30-second timeout policy for the first ICMP packet and a 60-sec‐
              ond  policy  for  ICMP reply packets.  See the CT_Timeout_Policy
              table in ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(5) for the supported keys.

              Without --may-exist, attempting to add a policy for zone_id that
              already has a policy is an error.
               With --may-exist, this command does nothing if policy for
               zone_id already exists.

       [--if-exists] del-zone-tp datapath zone=zone_id
              Delete the timeout policy associated with zone_id from datapath.

              Without --if-exists, attempting to delete a policy for zone that
              does not exist or doesn't have  a  policy  is  an  error.   With
              --if-exists, attempting to delete a a policy that does not exist
              has no effect.

       list-zone-tp datapath
              Prints the timeout policies of all zones in datapath.

       set-zone-limit datapath zone_id|default zone_limit
              Sets  a  conntrack  zone limit with zone_id|default in datapath.
              The limit with value 0 means unlimited.

       [--if-exists] del-zone-limit datapath zone_id|default
              Delete the limit associated with zone_id from datapath.

              Without --if-exists, attempting to delete a limit for zone  that
              does  not  exist  or  doesn't  have  a  limit is an error.  With
              --if-exists, attempting to delete a limit that  does  not  exist
              has no effect.

       list-zone-limits datapath
              Prints the limits of all zones in datapath.

   Datapath Capabilities Command
       The command query datapath capabilities.

       list-dp-cap datapath
              Prints the datapath's capabilities.

   OpenFlow Controller Connectivity
       ovs-vswitchd can perform all configured bridging and switching locally,
       or  it can be configured to communicate with one or more external Open‐
       Flow controllers.  The switch is typically configured to connect  to  a
       primary  controller that takes charge of the bridge's flow table to im‐
       plement a network policy.  In addition, the switch can be configured to
       listen to connections from service  controllers.   Service  controllers
       are  typically  used  for occasional support and maintenance, e.g. with

       get-controller bridge
              Prints the configured controller target.

       del-controller bridge
              Deletes the configured controller target.

       set-controller bridge target...
              Sets the configured controller target or targets.   Each  target
              may use any of the following forms:

                     The  specified  port  on the given host, which can be ex‐
                     pressed either as a DNS name (if built with  unbound  li‐
                     brary)  or  an IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 address format.
                     Wrap   IPv6   addresses   in   square   brackets,    e.g.
                     tcp:[::1]:6653.   On  Linux,  use  %device to designate a
                     scope    for    IPv6    link-level    addresses,     e.g.
                     tcp:[fe80::1234%eth0]:6653.   For ssl, the --private-key,
                     --certificate, and --ca-cert options are mandatory.

                     If port is not specified, it defaults to 6653.

                     On POSIX, a Unix domain server socket named file.

                     On Windows, connect to a local named pipe that is  repre‐
                     sented  by  a  file created in the path file to mimic the
                     behavior of a Unix domain socket.

                     Listens for OpenFlow connections on  port.   The  default
                     port  is  6653.  By default, connections are allowed from
                     any IPv4 address.  Specify host as an IPv4 address  or  a
                     bracketed IPv6 address (e.g. ptcp:6653:[::1]).  On Linux,
                     use  %device to designate a scope for IPv6 link-level ad‐
                     dresses, e.g. ptcp:6653:[fe80::1234%eth0].  DNS names can
                     be used if built with unbound  library.   For  pssl,  the
                     --private-key,--certificate,  and  --ca-cert  options are

                     Listens for  OpenFlow  connections  on  the  Unix  domain
                     server socket named file.

     Controller Failure Settings

       When  a  controller  is  configured, it is, ordinarily, responsible for
       setting up all flows on the switch.  Thus, if  the  connection  to  the
       controller  fails,  no  new  network connections can be set up.  If the
       connection to the controller stays down long  enough,  no  packets  can
       pass through the switch at all.

       If  the  value  is  standalone, or if neither of these settings is set,
       ovs-vswitchd will take over responsibility for setting up flows when no
       message has been received from the controller for three times the inac‐
       tivity probe interval.  In this mode, ovs-vswitchd causes the  datapath
       to  act  like  an ordinary MAC-learning switch.  ovs-vswitchd will con‐
       tinue to retry connecting to the controller in the background and, when
       the connection succeeds, it discontinues its standalone behavior.

       If this option is set to secure, ovs-vswitchd will not set up flows  on
       its own when the controller connection fails.

       get-fail-mode bridge
              Prints the configured failure mode.

       del-fail-mode bridge
              Deletes the configured failure mode.

       set-fail-mode bridge standalone|secure
              Sets the configured failure mode.

   Manager Connectivity
       These   commands   manipulate   the   manager_options   column  in  the
       Open_vSwitch table and rows in the Managers table.   When  ovsdb-server
       is  configured  to use the manager_options column for OVSDB connections
       (as described in the startup scripts provided with  Open  vSwitch;  the
       corresponding      ovsdb-server     command     option     is     --re‐
       mote=db:Open_vSwitch,Open_vSwitch,manager_options), this allows the ad‐
       ministrator to use ovs-vsctl to configure database connections.

              Prints the configured manager(s).

              Deletes the configured manager(s).

       set-manager target...
              Sets the configured manager target or targets.  Each target  may
              be an OVSDB active or passive connection method, e.g. pssl:6640,
              as described in ovsdb(7).

   SSL Configuration
       When  ovs-vswitchd  is configured to connect over SSL for management or
       controller connectivity, the following parameters are required:

              Specifies a PEM file containing the private key used as the vir‐
              tual switch's identity for SSL connections to the controller.

              Specifies a PEM file containing a  certificate,  signed  by  the
              certificate  authority  (CA) used by the controller and manager,
              that certifies the virtual switch's private key,  identifying  a
              trustworthy switch.

              Specifies  a PEM file containing the CA certificate used to ver‐
              ify that the virtual switch is connected to a  trustworthy  con‐

       These files are read only once, at ovs-vswitchd startup time.  If their
       contents change, ovs-vswitchd must be killed and restarted.

       These  SSL  settings  apply  to all SSL connections made by the virtual

              Prints the SSL configuration.

              Deletes the current SSL configuration.

       [--bootstrap] set-ssl private-key certificate ca-cert
              Sets the SSL configuration.  The --bootstrap option is described

     CA Certificate Bootstrap

       Ordinarily, all of the files named in the SSL configuration must  exist
       when  ovs-vswitchd starts.  However, if the ca-cert file does not exist
       and the --bootstrap option is given, then ovs-vswitchd will attempt  to
       obtain  the CA certificate from the controller on its first SSL connec‐
       tion and save it to the named PEM file.  If it is successful,  it  will
       immediately drop the connection and reconnect, and from then on all SSL
       connections  must  be  authenticated  by a certificate signed by the CA
       certificate thus obtained.

       This option exposes the SSL connection to  a  man-in-the-middle  attack
       obtaining  the  initial  CA certificate, but it may be useful for boot‐

       This option is only useful if the controller sends its  CA  certificate
       as  part  of  the SSL certificate chain.  The SSL protocol does not re‐
       quire the controller to send the CA certificate.

   Auto-Attach Commands
       The IETF Auto-Attach SPBM draft standard describes a compact method  of
       using IEEE 802.1AB Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) together with a
       IEEE  802.1aq Shortest Path Bridging (SPB) network to automatically at‐
       tach network devices to individual services in a SPB network.  The  in‐
       tent  here is to allow network applications and devices using OVS to be
       able to easily take advantage of features offered by industry  standard
       SPB  networks.  A  fundamental element of the Auto-Attach feature is to
       map traditional VLANs onto SPB I_SIDs. These commands manage the  Auto-
       Attach I-SID/VLAN mappings.

       add-aa-mapping bridge i-sid vlan
              Creates a new Auto-Attach mapping on bridge for i-sid and vlan.

       del-aa-mapping bridge i-sid vlan
              Deletes an Auto-Attach mapping on bridge for i-sid and vlan.

       get-aa-mapping bridge
              Lists  all of the Auto-Attach mappings within bridge on standard

   Database Commands
       These commands query and modify the contents of ovsdb tables.  They are
       a slight abstraction of the ovsdb interface and as such they operate at
       a lower level than other ovs-vsctl commands.

     Identifying Tables, Records, and Columns

       Each of these commands has a table parameter to identify a table within
       the database.  Many of them also take a record parameter  that  identi‐
       fies  a  particular record within a table.  The record parameter may be
       the UUID for a record, and many tables offer additional ways  to  iden‐
       tify  records.  Some commands also take column parameters that identify
       a particular field within the records in a table.

       For a list of tables and their columns, see ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(5)  or
       see the table listing from the --help option.

       Record names must be specified in full and with correct capitalization,
       except  that  UUIDs  may  be abbreviated to their first 4 (or more) hex
       digits, as long as that is unique within the table.   Names  of  tables
       and  columns  are  not  case-sensitive,  and - and _ are treated inter‐
       changeably.  Unique abbreviations of table and column names are accept‐
       able, e.g. net or n is sufficient to identify the NetFlow table.

     Database Values

       Each column in the database accepts a fixed type  of  data.   The  cur‐
       rently defined basic types, and their representations, are:

              A decimal integer in the range -2**63 to 2**63-1, inclusive.

       real   A floating-point number.

              True or false, written true or false, respectively.

       string An  arbitrary Unicode string, except that null bytes are not al‐
              lowed.  Quotes are optional for most strings that begin with  an
              English letter or underscore and consist only of letters, under‐
              scores,  hyphens,  and  periods.   However,  true  and false and
              strings that match the syntax of UUIDs (see below) must  be  en‐
              closed  in  double  quotes  to distinguish them from other basic
              types.  When double quotes are  used,  the  syntax  is  that  of
              strings  in JSON, e.g. backslashes may be used to escape special
              characters.  The empty string must be represented as a  pair  of
              double quotes ("").

       UUID   Either a universally unique identifier in the style of RFC 4122,
              e.g.  f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6,  or an @name defined
              by a get or create command within the same ovs-vsctl invocation.

       Multiple values in a single column may be separated by spaces or a sin‐
       gle comma.  When multiple values are present, duplicates  are  not  al‐
       lowed,  and  order is not important.  Conversely, some database columns
       can have an empty set of values, represented as [], and square brackets
       may optionally enclose other non-empty sets or single values  as  well.
       For  a  column  accepting a set of integers, database commands accept a
       range. A range is represented by two integers separated by -.  A  range
       is inclusive. A range has a maximum size of 4096 elements. If more ele‐
       ments are needed, they can be specified in separate ranges.

       A  few  database columns are ``maps'' of key-value pairs, where the key
       and the value are each some fixed database type.  These  are  specified
       in  the  form  key=value, where key and value follow the syntax for the
       column's key type and value type, respectively.   When  multiple  pairs
       are  present  (separated  by spaces or a comma), duplicate keys are not
       allowed, and again the order is not important.   Duplicate  values  are
       allowed.   An empty map is represented as {}.  Curly braces may option‐
       ally enclose non-empty maps as well (but  use  quotes  to  prevent  the
       shell   from  expanding  other-config={0=x,1=y}  into  other-config=0=x
       other-config=1=y, which may not have the desired effect).

     Database Command Syntax

       [--if-exists] [--columns=column[,column]...] list table [record]...
              Lists the data in each specified  record.   If  no  records  are
              specified, lists all the records in table.

              If  --columns  is  specified,  only  the  requested  columns are
              listed, in the specified  order.   Otherwise,  all  columns  are
              listed, in alphabetical order by column name.

              Without --if-exists, it is an error if any specified record does
              not  exist.   With  --if-exists,  the command ignores any record
              that does not exist, without producing any output.

       [--columns=column[,column]...] find table [column[:key]=value]...
              Lists the data in each record in table whose column equals value
              or, if key is specified, whose column contains a  key  with  the
              specified value.  The following operators may be used where = is
              written in the syntax summary:

              = != < > <= >=
                     Selects  records  in  which column[:key] equals, does not
                     equal, is less than, is greater than,  is  less  than  or
                     equal  to,  or is greater than or equal to value, respec‐

                     Consider column[:key] and  value  as  sets  of  elements.
                     Identical  sets  are considered equal.  Otherwise, if the
                     sets have different numbers of  elements,  then  the  set
                     with  more  elements  is considered to be larger.  Other‐
                     wise, consider a element from each set pairwise,  in  in‐
                     creasing order within each set.  The first pair that dif‐
                     fers  determines the result.  (For a column that contains
                     key-value pairs, first all the  keys  are  compared,  and
                     values  are considered only if the two sets contain iden‐
                     tical keys.)

              {=} {!=}
                     Test for set equality or inequality, respectively.

              {<=}   Selects records in which  column[:key]  is  a  subset  of
                     value.   For  example, flood-vlans{<=}1,2 selects records
                     in which the flood-vlans column is the empty set or  con‐
                     tains 1 or 2 or both.

              {<}    Selects  records in which column[:key] is a proper subset
                     of value.  For example, flood-vlans{<}1,2 selects records
                     in which the flood-vlans column is the empty set or  con‐
                     tains 1 or 2 but not both.

              {>=} {>}
                     Same as {<=} and {<}, respectively, except that the rela‐
                     tionship  is  reversed.   For example, flood-vlans{>=}1,2
                     selects records in which the flood-vlans column  contains
                     both 1 and 2.

              The  following operators are available only in Open vSwitch 2.16
              and later:

              {in}   Selects records in which every element in column[:key] is
                     also in value.  (This is the same as {<=}.)

                     Selects records in which every element in column[:key] is
                     not in value.

              For arithmetic operators (= != < > <= >=), when key is specified
              but a particular record's  column  does  not  contain  key,  the
              record  is always omitted from the results.  Thus, the condition
              other-config:mtu!=1500 matches records that have a mtu key whose
              value is not 1500, but not those that lack an mtu key.

              For the set operators, when key is specified  but  a  particular
              record's  column  does  not  contain key, the comparison is done
              against  an  empty  set.    Thus,   the   condition   other-con‐
              fig:mtu{!=}1500  matches records that have a mtu key whose value
              is not 1500 and those that lack an mtu key.

              Don't forget to escape < or > from interpretation by the shell.

              If --columns  is  specified,  only  the  requested  columns  are
              listed,  in  the  specified  order.   Otherwise  all columns are
              listed, in alphabetical order by column name.

              The UUIDs shown for rows created in the same  ovs-vsctl  invoca‐
              tion will be wrong.

       [--if-exists] [--id=@name] get table record [column[:key]]...
              Prints the value of each specified column in the given record in
              table.   For  map columns, a key may optionally be specified, in
              which case the value  associated  with  key  in  the  column  is
              printed, instead of the entire map.

              Without  --if-exists, it is an error if record does not exist or
              key is specified,  if  key  does  not  exist  in  record.   With
              --if-exists, a missing record yields no output and a missing key
              prints a blank line.

              If  @name is specified, then the UUID for record may be referred
              to by that name later in the same ovs-vsctl invocation  in  con‐
              texts where a UUID is expected.

              Both  --id and the column arguments are optional, but usually at
              least one or the other should be specified.  If both  are  omit‐
              ted,  then get has no effect except to verify that record exists
              in table.

              --id and --if-exists cannot be used together.

       [--if-exists] set table record column[:key]=value...
              Sets the value of each specified column in the given  record  in
              table to value.  For map columns, a key may optionally be speci‐
              fied, in which case the value associated with key in that column
              is  changed  (or  added,  if none exists), instead of the entire

              Without --if-exists, it is an error if record  does  not  exist.
              With  --if-exists,  this command does nothing if record does not

       [--if-exists] add table record column [key=]value...
              Adds the specified value or key-value pair to column  in  record
              in  table.   If column is a map, then key is required, otherwise
              it is prohibited.  If key already exists in a map  column,  then
              the  current  value  is not replaced (use the set command to re‐
              place an existing value).

              Without --if-exists, it is an error if record  does  not  exist.
              With  --if-exists,  this command does nothing if record does not

       [--if-exists] remove table record column value...
       [--if-exists] remove table record column key...
       [--if-exists] remove table record column key=value...
              Removes the specified values or key-value pairs from  column  in
              record in table.  The first form applies to columns that are not
              maps: each specified value is removed from the column.  The sec‐
              ond and third forms apply to map columns: if only a key is spec‐
              ified,  then  any  key-value pair with the given key is removed,
              regardless of its value; if a value is given then a pair is  re‐
              moved only if both key and value match.

              It  is not an error if the column does not contain the specified
              key or value or pair.

              Without --if-exists, it is an error if record  does  not  exist.
              With  --if-exists,  this command does nothing if record does not

       [--if-exists] clear table record column...
              Sets each column in record in table to the empty  set  or  empty
              map,  as appropriate.  This command applies only to columns that
              are allowed to be empty.

              Without --if-exists, it is an error if record  does  not  exist.
              With  --if-exists,  this command does nothing if record does not

       [--id=(@name | uuid] create table column[:key]=value...
              Creates a new record in table and sets  the  initial  values  of
              each  column.  Columns not explicitly set will receive their de‐
              fault values.  Outputs the UUID of the new row.

              If @name is specified, then the UUID for the new row may be  re‐
              ferred  to  by that name elsewhere in the same ovs-vsctl invoca‐
              tion in contexts where a UUID is expected.  Such references  may
              precede or follow the create command.

              If a valid uuid is specified, then it is used as the UUID of the
              new row.

              Caution (ovs-vsctl as example)
                     Records in the Open vSwitch database are significant only
                     when  they can be reached directly or indirectly from the
                     Open_vSwitch table.  Except for records  in  the  QoS  or
                     Queue  tables,  records  that  are not reachable from the
                     Open_vSwitch table are  automatically  deleted  from  the
                     database.   This  deletion  happens  immediately, without
                     waiting for additional ovs-vsctl commands or other  data‐
                     base  activity.  Thus, a create command must generally be
                     accompanied  by  additional  commands  within  the   same
                     ovs-vsctl  invocation to add a chain of references to the
                     newly created  record  from  the  top-level  Open_vSwitch
                     record.   The  EXAMPLES  section gives some examples that
                     show how to do this.

       [--if-exists] destroy table record...
              Deletes each specified record from table.  Unless --if-exists is
              specified, each records must exist.

       --all destroy table
              Deletes all records from the table.

              Caution (ovs-vsctl as example)
                     The destroy command is only useful for records in the QoS
                     or Queue tables.  Records in other tables  are  automati‐
                     cally deleted from the database when they become unreach‐
                     able from the Open_vSwitch table.  This means that delet‐
                     ing  the  last  reference  to  a record is sufficient for
                     deleting the record itself.  For records in these tables,
                     destroy is silently ignored.  See  the  EXAMPLES  section
                     below for more information.

       wait-until table record [column[:key]=value]...
              Waits  until  table  contains a record named record whose column
              equals value or, if key is specified, whose  column  contains  a
              key  with  the  specified value.  This command supports the same
              operators and semantics described for the find command above.

              If no column[:key]=value arguments are given, this command waits
              only until record exists.  If more than  one  such  argument  is
              given, the command waits until all of them are satisfied.

              Caution (ovs-vsctl as example)
                     Usually wait-until should be placed at the beginning of a
                     set  of  ovs-vsctl  commands.   For  example,  wait-until
                     bridge br0 -- get bridge br0 datapath_id  waits  until  a
                     bridge  named br0 is created, then prints its datapath_id
                     column, whereas get bridge br0 datapath_id --  wait-until
                     bridge  br0 will abort if no bridge named br0 exists when
                     ovs-vsctl initially connects to the database.

              Consider specifying --timeout=0 along with --wait-until, to pre‐
              vent ovs-vsctl from terminating after waiting  only  at  most  5

       comment [arg]...
              This  command  has  no  effect on behavior, but any database log
              record created by the command will include the command  and  its

       Create a new bridge named br0 and add port eth0 to it:

              ovs-vsctl add-br br0
              ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth0

       Alternatively, perform both operations in a single atomic transaction:

              ovs-vsctl add-br br0 -- add-port br0 eth0

       Delete bridge br0, reporting an error if it does not exist:

              ovs-vsctl del-br br0

       Delete bridge br0 if it exists:

              ovs-vsctl --if-exists del-br br0

       Set  the  qos  column of the Port record for eth0 to point to a new QoS
       record, which in turn points with its queue 0 to a new Queue record:

              ovs-vsctl -- set port eth0 qos=@newqos  --  --id=@newqos  create
              qos         type=linux-htb         other-config:max-rate=1000000
              queues:0=@newqueue --  --id=@newqueue  create  queue  other-con‐
              fig:min-rate=1000000 other-config:max-rate=1000000

   Port Configuration
       Add an ``internal port'' vlan10 to bridge br0 as a VLAN access port for
       VLAN 10, and configure it with an IP address:

              ovs-vsctl  add-port  br0  vlan10  tag=10 -- set Interface vlan10

              ip addr add dev vlan10

       Add a GRE tunnel port gre0 to remote IP address to bridge br0:

              ovs-vsctl add-port br0 gre0 -- set Interface gre0  type=gre  op‐

   Port Mirroring
       Mirror all packets received or sent on eth0 or eth1 onto eth2, assuming
       that  all  of  those  ports  exist on bridge br0 (as a side-effect this
       causes any packets received on eth2 to be ignored):

              ovs-vsctl -- set Bridge br0 mirrors=@m \

              -- --id=@eth0 get Port eth0 \

              -- --id=@eth1 get Port eth1 \

              -- --id=@eth2 get Port eth2 \

              --   --id=@m    create    Mirror    name=mymirror    select-dst-
              port=@eth0,@eth1 select-src-port=@eth0,@eth1 output-port=@eth2

       Remove  the mirror created above from br0, which also destroys the Mir‐
       ror record (since it is now unreferenced):

              ovs-vsctl -- --id=@rec get Mirror mymirror \

              -- remove Bridge br0 mirrors @rec

       The following simpler command also works:

              ovs-vsctl clear Bridge br0 mirrors

   Quality of Service (QoS)
       Create a linux-htb QoS record that points to a few queues and use it on
       eth0 and eth1:

              ovs-vsctl -- set Port eth0 qos=@newqos \

              -- set Port eth1 qos=@newqos \

              --   --id=@newqos   create   QoS    type=linux-htb    other-con‐
              fig:max-rate=1000000000 queues=0=@q0,1=@q1 \

              --   --id=@q0   create   Queue   other-config:min-rate=100000000
              other-config:max-rate=100000000 \

              -- --id=@q1 create Queue other-config:min-rate=500000000

       Deconfigure the QoS record above from eth1 only:

              ovs-vsctl clear Port eth1 qos

       To deconfigure the QoS record from both eth0 and eth1 and  then  delete
       the  QoS record (which must be done explicitly because unreferenced QoS
       records are not automatically destroyed):

              ovs-vsctl -- destroy QoS eth0 -- clear Port eth0  qos  --  clear
              Port eth1 qos

       (This  command  will  leave two unreferenced Queue records in the data‐
       base.  To delete them, use "ovs-vsctl list Queue" to find their  UUIDs,
       then  "ovs-vsctl  destroy Queue uuid1 uuid2" to destroy each of them or
       use "ovs-vsctl -- --all destroy Queue" to delete all records.)

   Connectivity Monitoring
       Monitor connectivity to a remote maintenance point on eth0.

              ovs-vsctl set Interface eth0 cfm_mpid=1

       Deconfigure connectivity monitoring from above:

              ovs-vsctl clear Interface eth0 cfm_mpid

       Configure bridge br0 to send NetFlow records to UDP port 5566  on  host, with an active timeout of 30 seconds:

              ovs-vsctl -- set Bridge br0 netflow=@nf \

              --  --id=@nf  create  NetFlow  targets=\"\" ac‐

       Update the NetFlow configuration created by the previous command to in‐
       stead use an active timeout of 60 seconds:

              ovs-vsctl set NetFlow br0 active_timeout=60

       Deconfigure the NetFlow settings from br0, which also destroys the Net‐
       Flow record (since it is now unreferenced):

              ovs-vsctl clear Bridge br0 netflow

       Configure bridge br0 to send sFlow records to a collector  on
       at port 6343, using eth1's IP address as the source, with specific sam‐
       pling parameters:

              ovs-vsctl    --    --id=@s    create   sFlow   agent=eth1   tar‐
              get=\"\" header=128 sampling=64 polling=10 \

              -- set Bridge br0 sflow=@s

       Deconfigure sFlow from br0, which also destroys the sFlow record (since
       it is now unreferenced):

              ovs-vsctl -- clear Bridge br0 sflow

       Configure bridge br0 to send one IPFIX flow record per packet sample to
       UDP port 4739 on host, with Observation Domain ID 123  and
       Observation  Point  ID 456, a flow cache active timeout of 1 minute (60
       seconds), maximum flow cache size of 13 flows,  and  flows  sampled  on
       output  port  with tunnel info(sampling on input and output port is en‐
       abled by default if not disabled) :

              ovs-vsctl -- set Bridge br0 ipfix=@i \

              -- --id=@i create  IPFIX  targets=\"\"  obs_do‐
              main_id=123       obs_point_id=456       cache_active_timeout=60
              cache_max_flows=13 \

              other_config:enable-input-sampling=false    other_config:enable-

       Deconfigure  the IPFIX settings from br0, which also destroys the IPFIX
       record (since it is now unreferenced):

              ovs-vsctl clear Bridge br0 ipfix

   802.1D Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
       Configure bridge br0 to participate in an 802.1D spanning tree:

              ovs-vsctl set Bridge br0 stp_enable=true

       Set the bridge priority of br0 to 0x7800:

              ovs-vsctl set Bridge br0 other_config:stp-priority=0x7800

       Set the path cost of port eth0 to 10:

              ovs-vsctl set Port eth0 other_config:stp-path-cost=10

       Deconfigure STP from above:

              ovs-vsctl set Bridge br0 stp_enable=false

   Multicast Snooping
       Configure bridge br0 to enable multicast snooping:

              ovs-vsctl set Bridge br0 mcast_snooping_enable=true

       Set the multicast snooping aging time br0 to 300 seconds:

              ovs-vsctl  set  Bridge  br0   other_config:mcast-snooping-aging-

       Set the multicast snooping table size br0 to 2048 entries:

              ovs-vsctl   set  Bridge  br0  other_config:mcast-snooping-table-

       Disable flooding of unregistered multicast packets to all  ports.  When
       set  to  true, the switch will send unregistered multicast packets only
       to ports connected to multicast routers. When it is set to  false,  the
       switch  will send them to all ports. This command disables the flood of
       unregistered packets on bridge br0.

              ovs-vsctl set  Bridge  br0  other_config:mcast-snooping-disable-

       Enable  flooding  of  multicast  packets (except Reports) on a specific

              ovs-vsctl set Port eth1 other_config:mcast-snooping-flood=true

       Enable flooding of Reports on a specific port.

              ovs-vsctl set  Port  eth1  other_config:mcast-snooping-flood-re‐

       Deconfigure multicasting snooping from above:

              ovs-vsctl set Bridge br0 mcast_snooping_enable=false

   802.1D-2004 Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)
       Configure  bridge  br0  to participate in an 802.1D-2004 Rapid Spanning

              ovs-vsctl set Bridge br0 rstp_enable=true

       Set the bridge address of br0 to 00:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa :

              ovs-vsctl     set     Bridge      br0      other_config:rstp-ad‐

       Set  the  bridge priority of br0 to 0x7000. The value must be specified
       in decimal notation and should be a multiple of 4096  (if  not,  it  is
       rounded  down  to  the  nearest multiple of 4096). The default priority
       value is 0x800 (32768).

              ovs-vsctl set Bridge br0 other_config:rstp-priority=28672

       Set the bridge ageing time of br0 to 1000  s.  The  ageing  time  value
       should be between 10 s and 1000000 s. The default value is 300 s.

              ovs-vsctl set Bridge br0 other_config:rstp-ageing-time=1000

       Set  the  bridge force protocol version of br0 to 0. The force protocol
       version has two acceptable values: 0 (STP  compatibility  mode)  and  2
       (normal operation).

              ovs-vsctl  set  Bridge br0 other_config:rstp-force-protocol-ver‐

       Set the bridge max age of br0 to 10 s. The max age value should be  be‐
       tween 6 s and 40 s. The default value is 20 s.

              ovs-vsctl set Bridge br0 other_config:rstp-max-age=10

       Set  the bridge forward delay of br0 to 15 s.  This value should be be‐
       tween 4 s and 30 s. The default value is 15 s.

              ovs-vsctl set Bridge br0 other_config:rstp-forward-delay=15

       Set the bridge transmit hold count of br0 to 7 s. This value should  be
       between 1 s and 10 s. The default value is 6 s.

              ovs-vsctl set Bridge br0 other_config:rstp-transmit-hold-count=7

       Enable RSTP on the Port eth0:

              ovs-vsctl set Port eth0 other_config:rstp-enable=true

       Disable RSTP on the Port eth0:

              ovs-vsctl set Port eth0 other_config:rstp-enable=false

       Set  the  priority  of  port eth0 to 32. The value must be specified in
       decimal notation and should be a multiple of 16 (if not, it is  rounded
       down to the nearest multiple of 16). The default priority value is 0x80

              ovs-vsctl set Port eth0 other_config:rstp-port-priority=32

       Set the port number of port eth0 to 3:

              ovs-vsctl set Port eth0 other_config:rstp-port-num=3

       Set the path cost of port eth0 to 150:

              ovs-vsctl set Port eth0 other_config:rstp-path-cost=150

       Set the admin edge value of port eth0:

              ovs-vsctl set Port eth0 other_config:rstp-port-admin-edge=true

       Set the auto edge value of port eth0:

              ovs-vsctl set Port eth0 other_config:rstp-port-auto-edge=true

       Set the admin point to point MAC value of port eth0.  Acceptable values
       are  0 (not point-to-point), 1 (point-to-point, the default value) or 2
       (automatic detection).  The auto-detection mode is not currently imple‐
       mented, and the value 2 has the same effect of 0 (not point-to-point).

              ovs-vsctl set Port eth0 other_config:rstp-admin-p2p-mac=1

       Set the admin port state value of  port  eth0.   true  is  the  default

              ovs-vsctl set Port eth0 other_config:rstp-admin-port-state=false

       Set the mcheck value of port eth0:

              ovs-vsctl set Port eth0 other_config:rstp-port-mcheck=true

       Deconfigure RSTP from above:

              ovs-vsctl set Bridge br0 rstp_enable=false

   OpenFlow Version
       Configure bridge br0 to support OpenFlow versions 1.0, 1.2, and 1.3:

              ovs-vsctl  set  bridge br0 protocols=OpenFlow10,OpenFlow12,Open‐

   Flow Table Configuration
       Make flow table 0 on bridge br0 refuse to accept more than 100 flows:

              ovs-vsctl -- --id=@ft  create  Flow_Table  flow_limit=100  over‐
              flow_policy=refuse -- set Bridge br0 flow_tables=0=@ft

       Make flow table 0 on bridge br0 evict flows, with fairness based on the
       matched ingress port, when there are more than 100:

              ovs-vsctl  --  --id=@ft  create  Flow_Table flow_limit=100 over‐
              flow_policy=evict groups='"NXM_OF_IN_PORT[]"' -- set Bridge  br0

       0      Successful program execution.

       1      Usage, syntax, or configuration file error.

       2      The  bridge argument to br-exists specified the name of a bridge
              that does not exist.

       ovsdb-server(1), ovs-vswitchd(8), ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(5).

Open vSwitch                         3.3.1                        ovs-vsctl(8)