OVSDB(7)                         Open vSwitch                         OVSDB(7)

       ovsdb - Open vSwitch Database (Overview)

       OVSDB, the Open vSwitch Database, is a network-accessible database sys‐
       tem.   Schemas  in  OVSDB  specify  the  tables in a database and their
       columns’ types and can include data, uniqueness,  and  referential  in‐
       tegrity   constraints.   OVSDB  offers  atomic,  consistent,  isolated,
       durable transactions.  RFC 7047 specifies the JSON-RPC  based  protocol
       that OVSDB clients and servers use to communicate.

       The  OVSDB protocol is well suited for state synchronization because it
       allows each client to monitor the contents of a  whole  database  or  a
       subset  of  it.   Whenever a monitored portion of the database changes,
       the server tells the client what rows were added or modified (including
       the new contents) or deleted.  Thus,  OVSDB  clients  can  easily  keep
       track of the newest contents of any part of the database.

       While OVSDB is general-purpose and not particularly specialized for use
       with Open vSwitch, Open vSwitch does use it for multiple purposes.  The
       leading use of OVSDB is for configuring and monitoring ovs-vswitchd(8),
       the  Open  vSwitch  switch  daemon,  using  the  schema  documented  in
       ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(5).  The Open Virtual Network (OVN)  project  uses
       two  OVSDB  schemas, documented as part of that project.  Finally, Open
       vSwitch includes the “VTEP” schema, documented  in  vtep(5)  that  many
       third-party  hardware  switches support for configuring VXLAN, although
       OVS itself does not directly use this schema.

       The OVSDB protocol specification allows independent, interoperable  im‐
       plementations of OVSDB to be developed.  Open vSwitch includes an OVSDB
       server  implementation  named  ovsdb-server(1),  which supports several
       protocol extensions documented in its manpage, and a basic command-line
       OVSDB client named ovsdb-client(1), as well as OVSDB  client  libraries
       for C and for Python.  Open vSwitch documentation often speaks of these
       OVSDB  implementations  in  Open vSwitch as simply “OVSDB,” even though
       that is distinct from the OVSDB protocol; we make the  distinction  ex‐
       plicit only when it might otherwise be unclear from the context.

       In  addition  to  these  generic  OVSDB  server  and client tools, Open
       vSwitch includes tools for working with databases  that  have  specific
       schemas:  ovs-vsctl  works with the ovs-vswitchd configuration database
       and vtep-ctl works with the VTEP database.

       RFC 7047 specifies the OVSDB  protocol  but  it  does  not  specify  an
       on-disk  storage format.  Open vSwitch includes ovsdb-tool(1) for work‐
       ing with its own on-disk database formats.  The most notable feature of
       this format is that ovsdb-tool(1) makes it easy for users to print  the
       transactions  that  have  changed a database since the last time it was
       compacted.  This feature is often useful for troubleshooting.

       Schemas in OVSDB have a JSON format that  is  specified  in  RFC  7047.
       They  are  often  stored  in  files  with  an extension .ovsschema.  An
       on-disk database in OVSDB includes a schema and  data,  embedding  both
       into  a  single file.  The Open vSwitch utility ovsdb-tool has commands
       that work with schema files and with the schemas embedded  in  database

       An  Open  vSwitch schema has three important identifiers.  The first is
       its name, which is also the name used in JSON-RPC calls to  identify  a
       database based on that schema.  For example, the schema used to config‐
       ure  Open vSwitch has the name Open_vSwitch.  Schema names begin with a
       letter or an underscore, followed by  any  number  of  letters,  under‐
       scores, or digits.  The ovsdb-tool commands schema-name and db-name ex‐
       tract the schema name from a schema or database file, respectively.

       An  OVSDB  schema  also  has  a  version  of the form x.y.z e.g. 1.2.3.
       Schemas managed within the Open vSwitch project manage version  number‐
       ing  in  the  following way (but OVSDB does not mandate this approach).
       Whenever we change the database schema in a non-backward compatible way
       (e.g. when we delete a column or a table), we increment <x> and set <y>
       and <z> to 0.  When we change the database schema in a backward compat‐
       ible way (e.g. when we add a new column), we increment <y> and set  <z>
       to  0.   When we change the database schema cosmetically (e.g. we rein‐
       dent  its  syntax),  we  increment  <z>.    The   ovsdb-tool   commands
       schema-version  and db-version extract the schema version from a schema
       or database file, respectively.

       Very old OVSDB schemas do not have a version, but RFC 7047 mandates it.

       An OVSDB schema optionally has a “checksum.”  RFC 7047 does not specify
       the use of the checksum and recommends that clients  ignore  it.   Open
       vSwitch  uses  the checksum to remind developers to update the version:
       at build time, if the schema’s embedded checksum, ignoring the checksum
       field itself, does not match the schema’s content, then  it  fails  the
       build  with  a  recommendation  to update the version and the checksum.
       Thus, a developer who changes the schema, but does not update the  ver‐
       sion, receives an automatic reminder.  In practice this has been an ef‐
       fective  way  to ensure compliance with the version number policy.  The
       ovsdb-tool commands schema-cksum and db-cksum extract the schema check‐
       sum from a schema or database file, respectively.

       OVSDB supports four  service  models  for  databases:  standalone,  ac‐
       tive-backup, relay and clustered.  The service models provide different
       compromises  among  consistency, availability, and partition tolerance.
       They also differ in the number of servers required and in terms of per‐
       formance.  The standalone and  active-backup  database  service  models
       share  one on-disk format, and clustered databases use a different for‐
       mat, but the OVSDB programs work with both formats.  ovsdb(5) documents
       these file formats.  Relay databases have no on-disk storage.

       RFC 7047, which specifies the OVSDB protocol, does not mandate or spec‐
       ify any particular service model.

       The following sections describe the individual service models.

   Standalone Database Service Model
       A standalone database runs a single server.  If the server  stops  run‐
       ning, the database becomes inaccessible, and if the server’s storage is
       lost  or corrupted, the database’s content is lost.  This service model
       is appropriate when the database controls  a  process  or  activity  to
       which  it is linked via “fate-sharing.”  For example, an OVSDB instance
       that controls an Open vSwitch virtual switch daemon, ovs-vswitchd, is a
       standalone database because a server failure would take  out  both  the
       database and the virtual switch.

       To  set  up  a  standalone  database, use ovsdb-tool create to create a
       database file, then run ovsdb-server to start the database service.

       To configure a client, such as ovs-vswitchd  or  ovs-vsctl,  to  use  a
       standalone  database,  configure  the server to listen on a “connection
       method” that the client can reach, then point the client to  that  con‐
       nection  method.   See  Connection  Methods below for information about
       connection methods.

       Open vSwitch 3.3 introduced support for configuration files via  --con‐
       fig-file command line option.  The configuration file for a server with
       a standalone database may look like this:

              "remotes": { "<connection method>": {} },
              "databases": { "<database file>": {} }

       ovsdb-server  will  infer  the service model from the database file it‐
       self.  However, if additional  verification  is  desired,  an  optional
       "service-model": "standalone" can be provided for the database file in‐
       side  the  inner curly braces.  If the specified service-model will not
       match the content of the database file,  ovsdb-server  will  refuse  to
       open this database.

   Active-Backup Database Service Model
       An  active-backup  database  runs two servers (on different hosts).  At
       any given time, one of the servers is designated with the  active  role
       and  the  other  the backup role.  An active server behaves just like a
       standalone server.  A backup server makes an OVSDB  connection  to  the
       active  server  and uses it to continuously replicate its content as it
       changes in real time.  OVSDB clients can connect to either  server  but
       only the active server allows data modification or lock transactions.

       Setup  for  an  active-backup database starts from a working standalone
       database service, which is initially the  active  server.   On  another
       node,  to  set up a backup server, create a database file with the same
       schema as the active server.  The initial contents of the database file
       do not matter, as long as the schema is correct, so  ovsdb-tool  create
       will  work,  as  will copying the database file from the active server.
       Then use ovsdb-server --sync-from=<active> to start the backup  server,
       where  <active>  is  an OVSDB connection method (see Connection Methods
       below) that connects to the active server.  At that point,  the  backup
       server  will fetch a copy of the active database and keep it up-to-date
       until it is killed.

       Open vSwitch 3.3 introduced support for configuration files via  --con‐
       fig-file  command  line  option.   The  configuration file for a backup
       server in this case may look like this:

              "remotes": { "<connection method>": {} },
              "databases": {
                  "<database file>": {
                      "service-model": "active-backup",
                      "backup": true,
                      "source": {
                          "<active>": {
                              "inactivity-probe": <integer>,
                              "max-backoff": <integer>

       All the fields in the "<database file>" description above are required.
       Options for the "<active>" connection method ("inactivity-probe", etc.)
       can be omitted.

       When the active server in an active-backup server pair fails, an admin‐
       istrator can switch the backup  server  to  an  active  role  with  the
       ovs-appctl     command     ovsdb-server/disconnect-active-ovsdb-server.
       Clients then have read/write access to the now-active server.  When the
       --config-file is in use, the same  can  be  achieved  by  changing  the
       "backup" value in the file and running ovsdb-server/reload command.  Of
       course,  administrators are slow to respond compared to software, so in
       practice external management software detects the active server’s fail‐
       ure and changes the backup server’s role.  For example,  the  “Integra‐
       tion  Guide for Centralized Control” in the OVN documentation describes
       how to use Pacemaker for this purpose in OVN.

       Suppose an active server fails and its backup is  promoted  to  active.
       If the failed server is revived, it must be started as a backup server.
       Otherwise, if both servers are active, then they may start out of sync,
       if  the  database changed while the server was down, and they will con‐
       tinue to diverge over time.  This also happens if the software managing
       the database servers cannot  reach  the  active  server  and  therefore
       switches  the backup to active, but other hosts can reach both servers.
       These “split-brain” problems  are  unsolvable  in  general  for  server

       Compared  to a standalone server, the active-backup service model some‐
       what increases availability, at a risk of split-brain.  It adds  gener‐
       ally  insignificant performance overhead.  On the other hand, the clus‐
       tered service model, discussed below, requires at least 3  servers  and
       has  greater  performance overhead, but it avoids the need for external
       management software and eliminates the possibility of split-brain.

       Open vSwitch 2.6  introduced  support  for  the  active-backup  service

          There  was  a  change of a database file format in version 2.15.  To
          upgrade/downgrade the ovsdb-server  processes  across  this  version
          follow  the instructions described under Upgrading from version 2.14
          and earlier to 2.15 and later and Downgrading from version 2.15  and
          later to 2.14 and earlier.

          Another  change  happened  in version 3.2.  To upgrade/downgrade the
          ovsdb-server processes across this version follow  the  instructions
          described  under  Upgrading  from version 3.1 and earlier to 3.2 and
          later and Downgrading from version 3.2 and later to 3.1 and earlier.

   Clustered Database Service Model
       A clustered database runs across 3 or 5 or more database  servers  (the
       cluster)  on  different hosts.  Servers in a cluster automatically syn‐
       chronize writes within the cluster.   A  3-server  cluster  can  remain
       available  in  the face of at most 1 server failure; a 5-server cluster
       tolerates up to 2 failures.  Clusters larger than 5 servers  will  also
       work,  with  every  2  added servers allowing the cluster to tolerate 1
       more failure, but write performance decreases.  The number  of  servers
       should  be  odd: a 4- or 6-server cluster cannot tolerate more failures
       than a 3- or 5-server cluster, respectively.

       To set up a clustered database, first initialize it on a single node by
       running ovsdb-tool create-cluster, then start ovsdb-server.   Depending
       on  its arguments, the create-cluster command can create an empty data‐
       base or copy a standalone database’s contents into the new database.

       Open vSwitch 3.3 introduced support for configuration files via  --con‐
       fig-file command line option.  The configuration file for a server with
       a clustered database may look like this:

              "remotes": { "<connection method>": {} },
              "databases": { "<database file>": {} }

       ovsdb-server  will  infer  the service model from the database file it‐
       self.  However, if additional  verification  is  desired,  an  optional
       "service-model":  "clustered" can be provided for the database file in‐
       side the inner curly braces.  If the specified service-model  will  not
       match  the  content  of  the database file, ovsdb-server will refuse to
       open this database.

       To configure a client to use a clustered database, first configure  all
       of  the  servers  to  listen on a connection method that the client can
       reach, then point the client to all of the servers’ connection methods,
       comma-separated.  See Connection Methods, below, for more detail.

       Open vSwitch 2.9 introduced support for the clustered service model.

   How to Maintain a Clustered Database
       To add a server to a cluster, run ovsdb-tool join-cluster  on  the  new
       server and start ovsdb-server.  To remove a running server from a clus‐
       ter, use ovs-appctl to invoke the cluster/leave command.  When a server
       fails  and  cannot be recovered, e.g. because its hard disk crashed, or
       to otherwise remove a server that is down from a cluster,  use  ovs-ap‐
       pctl  to  invoke cluster/kick to make the remaining servers kick it out
       of the cluster.

       The above methods for adding and removing servers only work for healthy
       clusters, that is, for clusters with no more failures than their  maxi‐
       mum  tolerance.   For  example, in a 3-server cluster, the failure of 2
       servers prevents servers joining or leaving the  cluster  (as  well  as
       database access).

       To  prevent  data loss or inconsistency, the preferred solution to this
       problem is to bring up enough of the failed servers to make the cluster
       healthy again, then if necessary remove any  remaining  failed  servers
       and  add  new ones.  If this is not an option, see the next section for
       Manual cluster recovery.

       Once a server leaves a cluster, it may never rejoin it.  Instead,  cre‐
       ate a new server and join it to the cluster.

       The  servers  in  a  cluster synchronize data over a cluster management
       protocol that is specific to Open vSwitch; it is not the  same  as  the
       OVSDB  protocol specified in RFC 7047.  For this purpose, a server in a
       cluster is tied to a particular IP address and TCP port, which is spec‐
       ified in the ovsdb-tool command that creates or joins the cluster.  The
       TCP port used for clustering must be different from that used for OVSDB
       clients.  To change the port or address of a server in a cluster, first
       remove it from the cluster, then add it back with the new address.

       To upgrade the ovsdb-server processes in a cluster from one version  of
       Open  vSwitch  to  another,  upgrading them one at a time will keep the
       cluster healthy during the upgrade process.  (This  is  different  from
       upgrading  a database schema, which is covered later under Upgrading or
       Downgrading a Database.)

          There was a change of a database file format in  version  2.15.   To
          upgrade/downgrade  the  ovsdb-server  processes  across this version
          follow the instructions described under Upgrading from version  2.14
          and  earlier to 2.15 and later and Downgrading from version 2.15 and
          later to 2.14 and earlier.

          Another change happened in version 3.2.   To  upgrade/downgrade  the
          ovsdb-server  processes  across this version follow the instructions
          described under Upgrading from version 3.1 and earlier  to  3.2  and
          later and Downgrading from version 3.2 and later to 3.1 and earlier.

       Clustered OVSDB does not support the OVSDB “ephemeral columns” feature.
       ovsdb-tool  and  ovsdb-client  change ephemeral columns into persistent
       ones when they work with schemas for clustered databases.  Future  ver‐
       sions of OVSDB might add support for this feature.

   Manual cluster recovery
          The  procedure below will result in cid and sid change.  A new clus‐
          ter will be initialized.

       To recover a clustered database after a failure:

       1. Stop all old cluster ovsdb-server instances before proceeding.

       2. Pick one of the old members which will serve as a  bootstrap  member
          of the to-be-recovered cluster.

       3. Convert  its database file to the standalone format using ovsdb-tool

       4. Backup the standalone database file.

       5. Create a new single-node cluster with ovsdb-tool create-cluster  us‐
          ing  the  previously  saved  standalone  database  file,  then start

       6. Once the single-node cluster is up and running and  serves  the  re‐
          stored data, new members should be created and added to the cluster,
          as usual, with ovsdb-tool join-cluster.

          The  data  in  the  new  cluster may be inconsistent with the former
          cluster: transactions not yet replicated to  the  server  chosen  in
          step 2 will be lost, and transactions not yet applied to the cluster
          may be committed.

   Upgrading from version 2.14 and earlier to 2.15 and later
       There  is  a  change  of  a  database  file format in version 2.15 that
       doesn’t allow older versions of ovsdb-server to read the database  file
       modified  by the ovsdb-server version 2.15 or later.  This also affects
       runtime communications between servers  in  active-backup  and  cluster
       service  models. To upgrade the ovsdb-server processes from one version
       of Open vSwitch (2.14 or earlier) to another (2.15 or higher)  instruc‐
       tions  below  should  be  followed. (This is different from upgrading a
       database schema, which is covered later under Upgrading or  Downgrading
       a Database.)

       In  case of standalone service model no special handling during upgrade
       is required.

       For the active-backup service  model,  administrator  needs  to  update
       backup  ovsdb-server  first and the active one after that, or shut down
       both servers and upgrade at the same time.

       For the cluster service model recommended upgrade strategy  is  follow‐

       1. Upgrade  processes  one  at a time.  Each ovsdb-server process after
          upgrade should be started  with  --disable-file-column-diff  command
          line argument.

       2. When  all  ovsdb-server processes upgraded, use ovs-appctl to invoke
          ovsdb/file/column-diff-enable command on each of them or restart all
          ovsdb-server processes one at  a  time  without  --disable-file-col‐
          umn-diff command line option.

   Downgrading from version 2.15 and later to 2.14 and earlier
       Similar to upgrading covered under Upgrading from version 2.14 and ear‐
       lier  to 2.15 and later, downgrading from the ovsdb-server version 2.15
       and later to 2.14 and earlier requires additional steps. (This is  dif‐
       ferent  from  upgrading a database schema, which is covered later under
       Upgrading or Downgrading a Database.)

       For all service models it’s required to:

       1. Stop all ovsdb-server processes (single process for standalone  ser‐
          vice  model,  all  involved  processes for active-backup and cluster
          service models).

       2. Compact all database files with ovsdb-tool compact command.

       3. Downgrade and restart ovsdb-server processes.

   Upgrading from version 3.1 and earlier to 3.2 and later
       There is another change of a database file format in version  3.2  that
       doesn’t  allow older versions of ovsdb-server to read the database file
       modified by the ovsdb-server version 3.2 or later.  This  also  affects
       runtime  communications  between servers in cluster service models.  To
       upgrade the ovsdb-server processes from one  version  of  Open  vSwitch
       (3.1  or  earlier) to another (3.2 or higher) instructions below should
       be followed. (This is different from upgrading a database schema, which
       is covered later under Upgrading or Downgrading a Database.)

       In case of standalone or active-backup service model  no  special  han‐
       dling during upgrade is required.

       For  the  cluster service model recommended upgrade strategy is follow‐

       1. Upgrade processes one at a time.  Each  ovsdb-server  process  after
          upgrade  should  be  started  with --disable-file-no-data-conversion
          command line argument.

       2. When all ovsdb-server processes upgraded, use ovs-appctl  to  invoke
          ovsdb/file/no-data-conversion-enable  command  on  each  of  them or
          restart all ovsdb-server processes one  at  a  time  without  --dis‐
          able-file-no-data-conversion command line option.

   Downgrading from version 3.2 and later to 3.1 and earlier
       Similar  to upgrading covered under Upgrading from version 3.1 and ear‐
       lier to 3.2 and later, downgrading from the  ovsdb-server  version  3.2
       and  later  to 3.1 and earlier requires additional steps. (This is dif‐
       ferent from upgrading a database schema, which is covered  later  under
       Upgrading or Downgrading a Database.)

       For all service models it’s required to:

       1. Compact  all  database  files  via ovsdb-server/compact command with
          ovs-appctl  utility.   This  should  be  done  for   each   involved
          ovsdb-server  process separately (single process for standalone ser‐
          vice model, all involved processes  for  active-backup  and  cluster
          service models).

       2. Stop  all ovsdb-server processes.  Make sure that no database schema
          conversion operations were performed between steps  1  and  2.   For
          standalone and active-backup service models, the database compaction
          can  be  performed after stopping all the processes instead with the
          ovsdb-tool compact command.

       3. Downgrade and restart ovsdb-server processes.

   Understanding Cluster Consistency
       To ensure consistency, clustered OVSDB  uses  the  Raft  algorithm  de‐
       scribed in Diego Ongaro’s Ph.D. thesis, “Consensus: Bridging Theory and
       Practice”.   In an operational Raft cluster, at any given time a single
       server is the “leader” and the other nodes are “followers”.   Only  the
       leader processes transactions, but a transaction is only committed when
       a  majority of the servers confirm to the leader that they have written
       it to persistent storage.

       In most database systems, read and write access to the database happens
       through transactions.  In such a  system,  Raft  allows  a  cluster  to
       present a strongly consistent transactional interface.  OVSDB uses con‐
       ventional  transactions  for  writes,  but clients often effectively do
       reads a different way, by asking the server to “monitor” a database  or
       a  subset  of  one  on  the  client’s  behalf.  Whenever monitored data
       changes, the server automatically tells the client what changed,  which
       allows  the  client to maintain an accurate snapshot of the database in
       its memory.  Of course, at any given time, the snapshot may be somewhat
       dated since some of it could have changed without the change  notifica‐
       tion yet being received and processed by the client.

       Given  this  unconventional usage model, OVSDB also adopts an unconven‐
       tional clustering model.  Each server in a cluster  acts  independently
       for the purpose of monitors and read-only transactions, without verify‐
       ing  that data is up-to-date with the leader.  Servers forward transac‐
       tions that write to the database to the leader for execution,  ensuring
       consistency.  This has the following consequences:

       • Transactions  that involve writes, against any server in the cluster,
         are linearizable if clients take care to use  correct  prerequisites,
         which  is the same condition required for linearizability in a stand‐
         alone OVSDB.  (Actually, “at-least-once” consistency,  because  OVSDB
         does not have a session mechanism to drop duplicate transactions if a
         connection  drops  after  the server commits it but before the client
         receives the result.)

       • Read-only transactions can yield results based on a stale version  of
         the  database, if they are executed against a follower.  Transactions
         on the leader always yield fresh results.   (With  monitors,  as  ex‐
         plained  above, a client can always see stale data even without clus‐
         tering, so clustering does not change the consistency model for moni‐

       • Monitor-based (or read-heavy) workloads scale well across a  cluster,
         because clustering OVSDB adds no additional work or communication for
         reads and monitors.

       • A write-heavy client should connect to the leader, to avoid the over‐
         head of followers forwarding transactions to the leader.

       • When  a  client  conducts a mix of read and write transactions across
         more than one server in a cluster, it can  see  inconsistent  results
         because  a  read transaction might read stale data whose updates have
         not yet propagated from the leader.  By default,  utilities  such  as
         ovn-sbctl (in OVN) connect to the cluster leader to avoid this issue.

         The  same  might occur for transactions against a single follower ex‐
         cept that the OVSDB server ensures that the results of a  write  for‐
         warded to the leader by a given server are visible at that server be‐
         fore it replies to the requesting client.

       • If  a client uses a database on one server in a cluster, then another
         server in the cluster (perhaps because the first server failed),  the
         client  could  observe stale data.  Clustered OVSDB clients, however,
         can use a column in the _Server database to detect  that  data  on  a
         server is older than data that the client previously read.  The OVSDB
         client  library  in  Open  vSwitch uses this feature to avoid servers
         with stale data.

   Relay Service Model
       A relay database is a way to scale out read-mostly access to the exist‐
       ing database working in any service model including relay.

       Relay database creates and maintains an OVSDB connection  with  another
       OVSDB server.  It uses this connection to maintain an in-memory copy of
       the  remote  database  (a.k.a.  the  relay  source)  keeping  the  copy
       up-to-date as the database content changes on the relay source  in  the
       real time.

       The  purpose  of  relay  server  is to scale out the number of database
       clients.  Read-only transactions and monitor requests are fully handled
       by the relay server itself.  For the transactions that request database
       modifications, relay works as a proxy between the client and the  relay
       source, i.e. it forwards transactions and replies between them.

       Compared to the clustered and active-backup models, relay service model
       provides read and write access to the database similarly to a clustered
       database  (and  even  more  scalable), but with generally insignificant
       performance overhead of an active-backup model.  At the  same  time  it
       doesn’t  increase  availability that needs to be covered by the service
       model of the relay source.

       Relay database has no on-disk storage and therefore cannot be converted
       to any other service model.

       If there is already a database started in any service model, to start a
       relay database server use ovsdb-server relay:<DB_NAME>:<relay  source>,
       where  <DB_NAME> is the database name as specified in the schema of the
       database that existing server runs, and <relay source> is an OVSDB con‐
       nection method (see Connection Methods below) that connects to the  ex‐
       isting database server.  <relay source> could contain a comma-separated
       list  of connection methods, e.g. to connect to any server of the clus‐
       tered database.  Multiple relay servers could be started for  the  same
       relay source.

       Open  vSwitch 3.3 introduced support for configuration files via --con‐
       fig-file command line option.  The configuration file for a relay data‐
       base server in this case may look like this:

              "remotes": { "<connection method>": {} },
              "databases": {
                  "<DB_NAME>": {
                      "service-model": "relay",
                      "source": {
                          "<relay source>": {
                              "inactivity-probe": <integer>,
                              "max-backoff": <integer>

       Both the "service-model" and the "source" are  required.   Options  for
       the  "<relay source>" connection method ("inactivity-probe", etc.)  can
       be omitted.

       Since the way relays handle read and write transactions is very similar
       to the clustered model where “cluster” means “set of relay servers con‐
       nected to the same relay source”, “follower” means “relay  server”  and
       the “leader” means “relay source”, same consistency consequences as for
       the clustered model applies to relay as well (See Understanding Cluster
       Consistency above).

       Open vSwitch 2.16 introduced support for relay service model.

       OVSDB  can  layer  replication  on  top  of  any of its service models.
       Replication, in this context, means to make,  and  keep  up-to-date,  a
       read-only copy of the contents of a database (the replica).  One use of
       replication  is  to keep an up-to-date backup of a database.  A replica
       used solely for backup would not need to support clients of its own.  A
       set of replicas that do serve clients could be used to scale  out  read
       access  to  the  primary  database, however Relay Service Model is more
       suitable for that purpose.

       A database replica is set up in the same way as a backup server  in  an
       active-backup  pair, with the difference that the replica is never pro‐
       moted to an active role.

       A database can have multiple replicas.

       Open vSwitch 2.6 introduced support for database replication.

       An OVSDB connection method is a string that specifies  how  to  make  a
       JSON-RPC  connection  between  an  OVSDB client and server.  Connection
       methods are part of the Open vSwitch implementation of  OVSDB  and  not
       specified by RFC 7047.  ovsdb-server uses connection methods to specify
       how it should listen for connections from clients and ovsdb-client uses
       them  to specify how it should connect to a server.  Connections in the
       opposite direction, where ovsdb-server connects to  a  client  that  is
       configured to listen for an incoming connection, are also possible.

       Connection methods are classified as active or passive.  An active con‐
       nection method makes an outgoing connection to a remote host; a passive
       connection  method listens for connections from remote hosts.  The most
       common arrangement is to configure an OVSDB server with passive connec‐
       tion methods and clients with active ones, but the OVSDB implementation
       in Open vSwitch supports the opposite arrangement as well.

       OVSDB supports the following active connection methods:

              The specified SSL/TLS <port> on the given <host>.

              The specified TCP <port> on the given <host>.

              On Unix-like systems, connect to the Unix domain  server  socket
              named <file>.

              On Windows, connect to a local named pipe that is represented by
              a  file  created  in  the path <file> to mimic the behavior of a
              Unix domain socket.

              For a clustered database  service  to  be  highly  available,  a
              client  must  be  able  to  connect to any of the servers in the
              cluster.  To do so, specify connection methods for each  of  the
              servers separated by commas (and optional spaces).

              In theory, if machines go up and down and IP addresses change in
              the  right  way,  a client could talk to the wrong instance of a
              database.  To avoid this possibility, add cid:<uuid> to the list
              of methods, where <uuid> is the cluster ID of the desired  data‐
              base  cluster, as printed by ovsdb-tool db-cid.  This feature is

       OVSDB supports the following passive connection methods:

              Listen on the given TCP <port> for SSL/TLS connections.  By  de‐
              fault,  connections  are  not bound to a particular local IP ad‐
              dress.  Specifying <ip> limits connections  to  those  from  the
              given IP.

              Listen on the given TCP <port>.  By default, connections are not
              bound  to a particular local IP address.  Specifying <ip> limits
              connections to those from the given IP.

              On Unix-like systems, listens for connections on the Unix domain
              socket named <file>.

              On Windows, listens on a local named pipe, creating a named pipe
              <file> to mimic the behavior of a Unix domain socket.  The  ACLs
              of  the named pipe include LocalSystem, Administrators, and Cre‐
              ator Owner.

       All IP-based connection methods accept IPv4  and  IPv6  addresses.   To
       specify   an   IPv6   address,   wrap   it  in  square  brackets,  e.g.
       ssl:[::1]:6640.  Passive IP-based connection methods by default  listen
       for  IPv4 connections only; use [::] as the address to accept both IPv4
       and IPv6 connections, e.g. pssl:6640:[::].  DNS names are also accepted
       if built with unbound library.  On Linux, use %<device> to designate  a
       scope for IPv6 link-level addresses, e.g. ssl:[fe80::1234%eth0]:6653.

       The  <port> may be omitted from connection methods that use a port num‐
       ber.  The default <port> for TCP-based connection methods is 6640, e.g.
       pssl: is equivalent to pssl:6640.  In Open  vSwitch  prior  to  version
       2.4.0,  the  default  port  was 6632.  To avoid incompatibility between
       older and newer versions, we encourage users to specify a port number.

       The ssl and pssl connection methods requires  additional  configuration
       through  --private-key,  --certificate,  and --ca-cert command line op‐
       tions.  Open vSwitch can be built without  SSL/TLS  support,  in  which
       case these connection methods are not supported.

       This  section  describes how to handle various events in the life cycle
       of a database using the Open vSwitch implementation of OVSDB.

   Creating a Database
       Creating and starting up the service for a  new  database  was  covered
       separately  for  each database service model in the Service Models sec‐
       tion, above.  A single ovsdb-server process may  serve  any  number  of
       databases with different service models at the same time.

   Backing Up and Restoring a Database
       OVSDB  is  often  used  in contexts where the database contents are not
       particularly valuable.  For example, in many systems, the database  for
       configuring  ovs-vswitchd  is  essentially rebuilt from scratch at boot
       time.  It is not worthwhile to back up these databases.

       When OVSDB is used for valuable data, a backup strategy is  worth  con‐
       sidering.   One  way is to use database replication, discussed above in
       Database Replication which keeps an online, up-to-date copy of a  data‐
       base,  possibly  on a remote system.  This works with all OVSDB service

       A more common backup strategy is to periodically take and store a snap‐
       shot.  For the standalone and active-backup service  models,  making  a
       copy of the database file, e.g. using cp, effectively makes a snapshot,
       and  because OVSDB database files are append-only, it works even if the
       database is being modified when the snapshot  takes  place.   This  ap‐
       proach does not work for clustered databases.

       Another  way  to make a backup, which works with all OVSDB service mod‐
       els, is to use ovsdb-client backup, which connects to a  running  data‐
       base  server  and outputs an atomic snapshot of its schema and content,
       in the same format used for standalone and active-backup databases.

       Multiple options are also available when the time comes  to  restore  a
       database  from  a backup.  For the standalone and active-backup service
       models, one option is to stop the database server or servers, overwrite
       the database file with the backup (e.g. with cp), and then restart  the
       servers.   Another  way,  which works with any service model, is to use
       ovsdb-client restore, which connects to a running database  server  and
       replaces  the data in one of its databases by a provided snapshot.  The
       advantage of ovsdb-client restore is that it causes zero  downtime  for
       the database and its server.  It has the downside that UUIDs of rows in
       the  restored  database will differ from those in the snapshot, because
       the OVSDB protocol does not allow clients to specify row UUIDs.

       None of these approaches saves and restores data in  columns  that  the
       schema  designates  as ephemeral.  This is by design: the designer of a
       schema only marks a column as ephemeral if it  is  acceptable  for  its
       data to be lost when a database server restarts.

       Clustering  and  backup serve different purposes.  Clustering increases
       availability, but it does not protect against data loss if,  for  exam‐
       ple, a malicious or malfunctioning OVSDB client deletes or tampers with

   Changing Database Service Model
       Use  ovsdb-tool  create-cluster to create a clustered database from the
       contents of a standalone database.  Use ovsdb-client backup to create a
       standalone database from the contents of a running clustered  database.
       When  the  cluster  is  down and cannot be revived, ovsdb-client backup
       will not work.

       Use ovsdb-tool cluster-to-standalone to convert clustered  database  to
       standalone database when the cluster is down and cannot be revived.

   Upgrading or Downgrading a Database
       The evolution of a piece of software can require changes to the schemas
       of the databases that it uses.  For example, new features might require
       new  tables  or  new  columns in existing tables, or conceptual changes
       might require a database to be reorganized  in  other  ways.   In  some
       cases, the easiest way to deal with a change in a database schema is to
       delete the existing database and start fresh with the new schema, espe‐
       cially if the data in the database is easy to reconstruct.  But in many
       other  cases,  it  is better to convert the database from one schema to

       The OVSDB implementation in Open vSwitch has built-in support for  some
       simple cases of converting a database from one schema to another.  This
       support  can  handle changes that add or remove database columns or ta‐
       bles or that eliminate constraints (for example, changing a column that
       must have exactly one value into one that has one or more values).   It
       can also handle changes that add constraints or make them stricter, but
       only if the existing data in the database satisfies the new constraints
       (for example, changing a column that has one or more values into a col‐
       umn  with exactly one value, if every row in the column has exactly one
       value).  The built-in conversion can cause data loss in  obvious  ways,
       for example if the new schema removes tables or columns, or indirectly,
       for example by deleting unreferenced rows in tables that the new schema
       marks for garbage collection.

       Converting a database can lose data, so it is wise to make a backup be‐

       To use OVSDB’s built-in support for schema conversion with a standalone
       or  active-backup  database, first stop the database server or servers,
       then use ovsdb-tool convert to convert it to the new schema,  and  then
       restart the database server.

       OVSDB  also  supports  online database schema conversion for any of its
       database  service  models.   To  convert   a   database   online,   use
       ovsdb-client  convert.  The conversion is atomic, consistent, isolated,
       and durable.  ovsdb-server disconnects any clients connected  when  the
       conversion takes place (except clients that use the set_db_change_aware
       Open  vSwitch extension RPC).  Upon reconnection, clients will discover
       that the schema has changed.

       Schema versions and checksums (see Schemas above) can give hints  about
       whether  a database needs to be converted to a new schema.  If there is
       any question, though, the needs-conversion command  on  ovsdb-tool  and
       ovsdb-client can provide a definitive answer.

   Working with Database History
       Both  on-disk  database  formats that OVSDB supports are organized as a
       stream of transaction records.  Each record describes a change  to  the
       database  as  a list of rows that were inserted or deleted or modified,
       along with the details.  Therefore, in  normal  operation,  a  database
       file only grows, as each change causes another record to be appended at
       the  end.   Usually,  a user has no need to understand this file struc‐
       ture.  This section covers some exceptions.

   Compacting Databases
       If OVSDB database files were truly append-only,  then  over  time  they
       would  grow  without bound.  To avoid this problem, OVSDB can compact a
       database file, that is, replace it by a new version that contains  only
       the  current  database contents, as if it had been inserted by a single
       transaction.  From time to time, ovsdb-server automatically compacts  a
       database that grows much larger than its minimum size.

       Because  ovsdb-server  automatically  compacts databases, it is usually
       not necessary to compact them manually, but OVSDB still  offers  a  few
       ways  to  do it.  First, ovsdb-tool compact can compact a standalone or
       active-backup  database  that  is  not  currently   being   served   by
       ovsdb-server  (or otherwise locked for writing by another process).  To
       compact any database that is currently being  served  by  ovsdb-server,
       use  ovs-appctl  to send the ovsdb-server/compact command.  Each server
       in an active-backup or clustered database maintains its  database  file
       independently, so to compact all of them, issue this command separately
       on each server.

   Viewing History
       The  ovsdb-tool  utility’s  show-log  command  displays the transaction
       records in an OVSDB database file in a human-readable format.   By  de‐
       fault,  it shows minimal detail, but adding the option -m once or twice
       increases the level of detail.  In addition to the transaction data, it
       shows the time and date of each transaction and any “comment” added  to
       the transaction by the client.  The comments can be helpful for quickly
       understanding  a  transaction;  for example, ovs-vsctl adds its command
       line to the transactions that it makes.

       The show-log command works with both OVSDB file formats,  but  the  de‐
       tails  of  the  output  format differ.  For active-backup and clustered
       databases, the sequence of transactions in each server’s log will  dif‐
       fer, even at points when they reflect the same data.

   Truncating History
       It may occasionally be useful to “roll back” a database file to an ear‐
       lier point.  Because of the organization of OVSDB records, this is easy
       to  do.   Start  by noting the record number <i> of the first record to
       delete in ovsdb-tool show-log output.  Each  record  is  two  lines  of
       plain  text,  so  trimming the log is as simple as running head -n <j>,
       where <j> = 2 * <i>.

       When ovsdb-server opens an OVSDB database file, of any kind,  it  reads
       as  many  transaction  records as it can from the file until it reaches
       the end of the file or it encounters a corrupted record.  At that point
       it stops reading and regards the data that it has read to this point as
       the full contents of the database file, effectively rolling  the  data‐
       base back to an earlier point.

       Each  transaction record contains an embedded SHA-1 checksum, which the
       server verifies as it reads a database  file.   It  detects  corruption
       when  a  checksum fails to verify.  Even though SHA-1 is no longer con‐
       sidered secure for use in cryptography, it is acceptable for this  pur‐
       pose because it is not used to defend against malicious attackers.

       The  first record in a standalone or active-backup database file speci‐
       fies the schema.  ovsdb-server will refuse  to  work  with  a  database
       where  this record is corrupted, or with a clustered database file with
       corruption in the first few records.  Delete and recreate such a  data‐
       base, or restore it from a backup.

       When  ovsdb-server adds records to a database file in which it detected
       corruption, it first truncates  the  file  just  after  the  last  good

       RFC 7047, “The Open vSwitch Database Management Protocol.”

       Open   vSwitch   implementations   of   generic   OVSDB  functionality:
       ovsdb-server(1), ovsdb-client(1), ovsdb-tool(1).

       Tools for working with databases  that  have  specific  OVSDB  schemas:
       ovs-vsctl(8), vtep-ctl(8), and (in OVN) ovn-nbctl(8), ovn-sbctl(8).

       OVSDB   schemas   for   Open   vSwitch   and   related   functionality:
       ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(5), vtep(5), and (in OVN) ovn-nb(5), ovn-sb(5).

       The Open vSwitch Development Community

       2016-2024, The Open vSwitch Development Community

3.5                              Feb 17, 2025                         OVSDB(7)