Open vSwitch Open Source Day at OpenStack Summit Boston 2017

OpenStack Summit Boston, which was held May 8-11, 2017 in Boston, Massachusetts, included a day of talks about Open vSwitch on May 10. This page lists the talks along with their slides and links to audio and more information.

Talk Slides Audio
Deploying OVN on Windows with OpenStack and Kubernetes (Alin Balutoiu and Alessandro Pilotti, Cloudbase Solutions Srl) PDF MP3
Continuous Integration for IaaS (Yusuke Tatsumi, Yahoo! JAPAN) PDF MP3
Deploying an OVS-based feature switch in 5 minutes or less (Joe Stringer, VMware)
Cyber RFP! (Joe Stringer, VMware) PDF
OpenStack Performance with OvS-DPDK for NFV and Connection Tracking (Sugesh Chandran and Bhanuprakash Bodireddy, Intel) PDF MP3
OVN Support for Multiple Gateways and IPv6 (Russell Bryant and Numan Siddique, Red Hat) PDF MP3
Baker: Scaling OVN with Kubernetes API Server (Han Zhou, eBay) PDF MP3
New Approach to OVS Datapath Performance (Jun Xiao, CloudNetEngine) PPTPDF MP3
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